Federal Special Services
Adventures in
The Wild, Wild West
Now Playing
The Night of the Asteroid
Aloyisous MacAllister
An agent of the FSS who met Shawn in San Franciso on a mission.
- FSS .45 Pistol
- FSS Winchester
- FSS Derringer, in FSS sleeve rig, with line-launcher
- FSS Armour cloth longjohns and undershirt and hat lining, 1 rPD
over locations 5-18
- FSS Doorbuster
- Lockpick set, hidden in various ways
Packages: Athletic, Brainy, Shady, Sneak Thief(2x) (Only 5, he's an NPC)
STR: 13 PD: 3
DEX: 13 ED: 2
CON: 12 EgoD: 3
BOD: 11 SPD: 3
INT: 13 REC: 5
EGO: 11 STUN: 24
PRE: 12 OCV: 4
COM: 10 DCV: 4
ECV: 4
END: 24
Bribery 9+PRE/5 11-
Bureacratics 9+PRE/5 11-
Climbing 8-
Concealment 9+DEX/5(+1) 13-
Conversation 9+PRE/5 11-
Criminology 9+INT/5 12-
Deduction 9+INT/5 12-
Demolition 8-
Forgery 11-
Lock Picking 9+DEX/5(+2) 14-
Paramedic 8-
Riding 9+DEX/5 12-
Security Sys. 9+INT/5(+1) 13-
Shadowing 8-
Stealth 9+DEX/5(+2) 14-
Streetwise 9+PRE/5 11-
Survival 8-
Area Knowledge (US) 8-
Transport Familiarity - Wagons, carts, etc.
Languages - English (Native), Spanish (Basic)
Weapons Familiarity - Small Arms
Experience gain and use:
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